We bought our townhome only 15 months ago and we are already feeling the squeeze in the amount of room we have. With the addition of Ellie came the disappearance of space. So we made the plunge and bought bunk beds for the kids. They loved them and Mia was particularly thrilled, or seemingly so until we converted her toddler bed back to a crib for Ellie. She decided that the only acceptable way to exert some control over the new situation was to have at least one potty accident in her pants EVERY DAY for 2 weeks! Thankfully that phase has passed (with the bribe of new Disney princess underwear) and some peace has been restored.
7 years ago
Wow! It has been a long time! Your kids are super cute! I can't believe how fast time goes! They are getting so big. I am glad you found us. It will be fun to "check up on you now" :)
I don't know what happened with that other comment...I suck. Oh well. What I wanted to say, is that as a kid I thought bunk beds were so cool and I always wanted some. Then after HS I moved in with some people and shared bunk beds with Heather. Yeah, they weren't as awesome as I thought they were going to be.
ugh the potty thing can be a bit of a setback. you guys bought a townhome? i thought you bought a house. i tried to click on the picture to enlarge it because the walls looked so cute, but it wouldnt get any bigger. hopefully the adapting to bed taking over has simmered down now!
Hope they love the bunkbeds, I am sure we will be there someday! Hope you guys are doing well.
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